BPC Committees

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972,section 101-106 and Schedule 12; and Parish & Community Councils (Committees) Regulations 1990 (SI 1990 No 2467)

A local council is empower to appoint one or more committees for the purpose of discharging any of its functions. The membership and terms of office for these committees are fixed by the full council. The council may establish it’s own criteria for appointing members to its committees in Standing Orders.

A committee or working party may include members who are not elected councillors; to be known as co-opted committee members, they have no voting rights.

The term of office of committee members, whether co-opted or elected councillors, shall be fixed by the full council however a committee, wholly, should not hold office beyond the next annual council meeting (held every May). The full council may at any time disband a committee, change its membership, or alter or withdraw the powers delegated to it.

Currently BPC has the following committees…



Asset Management

newly planted trees



Strategy & Governance

Working Parties/Steering Groups

The council also have several groups looking at other project, with external influence. Similar to a committee but set up for a projects with a specific purpose and defined time-frame. Again, these can be made up of Councillors and co-opted members from the parish. A less formal group with less statutory regulations to adhere to, for example it is not required to meet with a public audience or publish an agenda. It may produce minutes/notes of each meeting for publication if it is considered these will be of interest to the public.

Currently, BPC has the following Working Parties:

Community Building at The Lawns for use as a Scouts Hub.

Teign Estuary Trail (joint steering group)

Emergency Resilience (working party)

Highways (liaison group)

Remembrance (steeringĀ  group)